Welcome Friend!

If you are new here, don't worry, we kind of are too

So, let’s get to know one another

If you love..

  • The colorful hues of Palm Beach
  • Sweet details in Grandmillennial home decor
  • Baking tasty treats in the kitchen
  • Making ordinary life feel extra special
  • Hosting parties, both big and small
  • All things personalized

Then I think we are going to be the best of friends!

  • Owner & Designer

    My name is Leanna and while I wear a lot of hats for the business, designer is my favorite!

  • Employee of [Every] Month

    Also known as the little cutie who put the "Hattie" in Hattie Hill Designs.

I am ready to create with you whether that looks like personalized party goods, revamping your gift wrapping station, elevating your hosting items, or something else totally.

Whatever it might be, I am your girl for the job!

So now that we are basically besties

What do you want to do next?

A few more details, for the curious ones… 

Hattie Hill Designs is the new name and face of Pep & Pop. After almost 9 years under Pep & Pop, I went through countless different product types (from painted coolers to door hangers, wall signs to calligraphy) and styles that never really felt right. I really could go on for days about the changes but what you really need to know is that I found it. I found what I was looking for, the product that sets me apart and the design style I thrive in

In March of 2023 we welcomed our little girl and so many things changed. Shortly after I got the courage to launch The Life Logo Project (learn more about that here) and then I could feel another shift coming. While I was so proud to show off my new product, saying the name felt icky. I know that sounds strange, but it did. The growth, both personally and professionally, I have experienced over the last 9 years but more importantly over the last year made me feel like my company name was constricting me. Almost like I was wearing a coat that was too tight. I was excited and scared to make that change because not only is it a lot of work to change everything over but also having to rebuild a name and brand. After months of prayer the name came to me like a bolt of lightning and I knew that was it! I haven’t looked back.